Our Mission

To equip Christians to make disciples of all nations.

Our Vision

For all Christians to be actively engaged in discipleship that is loving, respectful, intelligent, and reproductive with other Christians and with those who don’t have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our Values

We believe that:
God is that for which there can be nothing greater. God is perfect and personal in love, justice, and all of His attributes.

God is triune, meaning one God in the three persons of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God has existed eternally in a unity of love. The doctrine of the Trinity is displayed in the New Testament and is foreshadowed in the Old Testament.

God created the visible and invisible realms. They were created ‘ex nihilo’, out of nothing. Everything God created was good. God is sovereign over both the visible and invisible realms. There are literal angels and demons that have some ability to interact with both realms.

The Holy Spirit is a person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit guides and convicts Christians and was the source of the inspiration of Scripture.

Jesus Christ is fully God, fully man. His humanity allowed Jesus to experience the struggles of humanity and death. His deity allowed Him to live a sinless life, to rise from the dead, and to be the only perfect hope of restoring humanity’s relationship with God.

God created humanity in His image. Humanity fell into sin, thus creating separation with our perfect God. All of humanity has sinned and has inherited a sin nature. Humanity is incapable of perfecting itself and of restoring a relationship with God. Despite having a sin nature, all people are equally loved and valued by God, regardless of lifestyle, gender, faith, race, or any other status.

People are justified before God by faith alone, through grace alone, in Christ alone. Works are the response to salvation, not the means of attaining it. Jesus’ death broke the power of Satan and paid the penalty for sins. Those who believe in Christ’s atoning work have His righteous imputed to them and are no longer under the penalty of sin.

Sanctification is the lifelong process of growing in a relationship with God after they have experienced justification.

Christians are called to sacrificially love God, each other, those of differing beliefs, and our human enemies. We are not commanded to agree with or participate in beliefs or practices that are contrary to the Bible. Christians are to “be in the world and not of it.” (John 17). Christians are commanded to make disciples of all people.

Sin is not a statement of a person’s worth. A Christian is no more or less loved and valued than a non-Christian. A Christian enjoys the benefit of a saving relationship with Christ and the quality of life that comes from sanctification. A non-Christian, regardless of how moral their lifestyle, is still separated from God.

The Bible in its entirety is the inerrant and inspired word of God. It is the final authority on all matters of doctrine and conduct. The Holy Spirit inspired fallible human writers to be the instruments of His ultimate message to humanity.

The Church exists both globally and in local communities. The Church is the body of Christ, those who have been justified by faith. It is not a building. Jesus is the head of the Church. The Holy Spirit guides, convicts, and brings unity to the Church. The Church is God’s instrument for Christians to grow in their faith and to be a source of hope to a hurting world. All Christians are called to share in the responsibilities and functions of the Church.

Jesus will return at a time not yet known. His return will be glorious. There will be a millennial reign and a period of tribulation.

God will raise the dead and will judge all of humanity. Those who are justified by faith in Christ will enjoy perfect joy with God in the new heaven and new earth. Those who are not justified will be sent to eternal punishment and separation from God.


Nutshells Workbook - To help disciples of Christ be the disciples that the Bible intended


Steve's passion - to equip you to become a disciple who makes disciples