Seeds of Faith

The Essentials of Growing in Christ is an important workbook for all Christians from high school ages on up. Seeds of Faith covers foundational topics such as the five elements of Biblical faith, who and what is God and how are we made in His image, what is the Biblical idea of the church, the Trinity, discipleship, and strategies of evangelism.

Seeds of Faith is written to be a valuable guide for personal growth, discipleship, and evangelism. While it can be used individually or in large group/class room settings, it is most effectively used when it is shared with at least one other person or in small groups.

For those who wish to go further in their discipleship skills, Nutshells is a more comprehensive workbook that includes more of what is covered in Seeds of Faith as well as studies in Biblical theology, apologetics, world views, world religions, and cults.


Nutshells Workbook - To help disciples of Christ be the disciples that the Bible intended